Latest publications and studies regarding the subject: malware.
The Titan Stealer is the newest type of malware - it appeared in 2022 and is only on the rise. Here we give the history of the malware and how to avoid it.
12-04-2023 · 8 min.
Wiper malware is a type of malware that destroys data on the victim's computer by deleting, overwriting and encrypting it.
12-12-2022 · 7 min.
Anti-malware is a type of software application designed to protect IT systems and computers from malware by scanning systems on a regular basis.
05-12-2022 · 4 min.
Are you new to the world of cybersecurity? Here, we've put together an overview of the different types of -ware you might encounter.
17-11-2022 · 11 min.
Learn how ransomware as a service works and how your business can protect itself from ransomware attacks, so you avoid losing money from a cyber attack.
04-07-2022 · 12 min.
One type of simple malware that everyone should be aware of is a password stealer. Learn more about what password stealers are.
22-06-2022 · 7 min.
Adware is everywhere on the Internet and in free software to display advertisements. But this may be a form of malware designed by hackers.
24-05-2022 · 6 min.