How to protect yourself from a reply chain attack

A reply chain attack is a sophisticated phishing method where hackers insert malicious emails into existing conversations. Read more here.

29-08-2024 - 6 minute read. Posted in: phishing.

How to protect yourself from a reply chain attack

A reply chain attack is a sophisticated phishing method where hackers insert malicious emails into existing conversations. They compromise a trusted email account, making their messages seem genuine. This article explains reply chain attacks, how to recognize them, and ways to protect your email.

Key takeaways

  • Reply chain attacks deceive users by inserting phishing emails into ongoing email threads, making them appear legitimate.
  • Recognizing phishing attempts requires vigilance, including examining email headers and avoiding suspicious links or attachments.
  • Implementing strong email security practices, such as multi-factor authentication and employee training, is crucial for protecting against cyber threats.

What is a reply chain attack?

A reply chain attack is a sophisticated type of cybercrime that targets email communication by inserting phishing emails into ongoing conversations using a trusted sender’s email. Cybercriminals begin by compromising a legitimate email account to deceive users into disclosing sensitive information. These attacks exploit the trust and familiarity of ongoing email chains, making them particularly effective.

Reply chain phishing attacks are insidious because they blend seamlessly into existing email threads, making malicious emails appear as legitimate responses. Attackers exploit these trusted conversations to deceive individuals into opening malicious attachments or clicking harmful links, resulting in unauthorized access to sensitive information through a reply chain phishing attack.

Phishing emails within reply chains are challenging to identify because they appear as part of an ongoing conversation rather than a new, standalone message. This blend into existing email threads makes malicious emails seem legitimate, increasing the likelihood of engagement from the recipient.

In other words, these attacks succeed by making malicious emails appear as legitimate responses within ongoing conversations. The use of familiar email addresses and the manipulation of email headers and domains further enhance their credibility.

How hackers compromise email accounts

Hackers often exploit vulnerabilities or use social engineering to steal credentials for email accounts. They might search for software vulnerabilities in email providers that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access. Social engineering techniques, such as phishing emails, can trick individuals into providing their email login credentials.

Businesses and individuals must understand these methods to implement security measures that mitigate the risk of account compromise. Awareness of these tactics helps avoid phishing scams and protects business email accounts from business email compromise attacks.

Recognizing a reply chain phishing email

Recognizing a reply chain phishing email requires a keen eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. These phishing emails often masquerade as part of ongoing email chain conversations to exploit the familiarity and trust of the users. Therefore, it's important to always remain vigilant and critically assess the legitimacy of emails in ongoing conversations to avoid falling victim to phishing scams.

In general, you should avoid engaging with emails that evoke urgency, as they may be phishing attempts using social engineering tactics. Also, refrain from disclosing sensitive information, clicking on links, or downloading or opening attachments unless you are 100% sure of the source and content. Always contact the sender using a reliable form of communication (i.e. not email) or at best in person and ask them to confirm what they have sent before taking any urgent action.

Although phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated due to the use of AI and Large Language Models, it is wise to keep an eye out for grammatical and spelling errors in emails as well as unusual formatting and misspellings, as this often signal a lack of professionalism and authenticity and may indicate phishing attempts.

Requests for sensitive information unexpectedly are a hallmark of phishing attempts. Attachments prompting urgent action or offering rewards are common phishing and social engineering tactics. Links in phishing emails may disguise malicious URLs, often appearing legitimate while redirecting to harmful sites.

Protecting your business email accounts

Email security is crucial as over half of cyberattacks initiate via email, making it a primary target for cybercriminals. Strong email security practices can prevent significant financial and reputational damage to businesses.

Businesses should ensure adequate protection to prevent breaches, such as multi-factor authentication and password managers. Strong password policies can effectively lower the likelihood of password reuse among employees. Frequent updates to passwords and security settings reduce the risk of account compromise.

Employee training minimizes the risk of phishing by enabling staff to recognize potential threats. Phishing simulations help organizations evaluate employee ability to identify phishing attempts. Audits should assess employee awareness of email threats, as human error remains a significant risk factor. Monitoring email activity and user behavior during audits can detect abnormal patterns indicative of security breaches. In general, security audits identify vulnerabilities specific to email configurations and user behaviors.

Responding to a reply chain attack

Immediately isolating compromised accounts prevents further unauthorized access and protects sensitive information. Notifying all affected parties and stakeholders about the breach ensures transparency and enables appropriate actions.

Here's how to do it:

  • Isolating compromised accounts: Immediate action is crucial upon detecting a compromised email account to prevent further damage. Isolating the compromised account typically involves disabling access and changing passwords.
  • Notifying affected parties: Promptly notifying affected parties mitigates potential damages and prevents further exploitation of the breach. Identifying affected parties involves determining compromised accounts or individuals and notifying them.
  • Reporting the incident: Incidents of reply chain attacks should be reported to the company's IT department to facilitate further investigation and mitigation of the threat. Reporting to relevant authorities is also necessary for legal compliance and aiding broader investigations.


In conclusion, reply chain attacks are a sophisticated and dangerous form of cybercrime that can have significant consequences for businesses and individuals. By understanding what reply chain phishing attacks are, recognizing the signs, and implementing robust security measures, you can safeguard your email communications and sensitive information.

Remember, the key to protection lies in vigilance and proactive measures. Implement multi-factor authentication, regularly update your passwords, and conduct employee training to stay ahead of cyber threats.

Frequently asked questions

What is a reply chain attack?

A reply chain attack is a cybercrime involving phishing emails that are injected into existing email threads from compromised accounts, aimed at tricking users into revealing sensitive information, clicking on a malicious link or opening a malicious attachment. This tactic exploits trust within ongoing communications.

How can I recognize a reply chain phishing email?

You can recognize a reply chain phishing email by checking for unusual requests and unexpected attachments or links. Never take any action unless you are 100% certain of the content or source.

What steps can I take to protect my business email accounts?

To protect your business email accounts, implement multi-factor authentication, regularly update passwords and security settings, and conduct employee training to reduce phishing risks. Taking these steps will significantly enhance your email security.

What should I do if my email account is compromised?

If your email account is compromised, promptly disable access and change your password to secure it. Additionally, notify affected contacts and report the incident to the IT department for proper action.

Author Emilie Hartmann

Emilie Hartmann

Emilie is responsible for Moxso’s content and communications efforts, including the words you are currently reading. She is passionate about raising awareness of human risk and cybersecurity - and connecting people and tech.

View all posts by Emilie Hartmann

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